Diet for weight loss
Diet for weight loss

Many people dream to lose those extra pounds and lose weight in a week.

Let's see what are the diet for weight loss and what we get after they pass:

• Mono-diets - during the day you only need one kind of product. The disadvantages of this approach to nutrition are obvious: the diet is meager, the body does not receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, on such a diet you can not lose a lot, a maximum of 2-3 kg. And the body will get a huge stress due to a lack of protein-building material for our cells.

• Unloading days - the days in which you consume only freshly squeezed juices and water. Such a diet will quickly get rid of toxins, but it is very unusual for people who have never starved or ruled out their usual foods.

• The Ducane protein diet is currently one of the most effective, but it is difficult to follow it correctly without a fitness instructor or a  doctor who will tell you how to lose weight properly.

• Very often during diets it is recommended to detox with castor oil, make enemas, which leads to panic and brings only unpleasant emotions.

It is important to understand that when trying to lose weight, we always put the body in a state of stress, depriving it of the necessary nutrients. Very often after exhausting diets, people gain weight again and the kilograms return, and they are joined by problems with the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the nervous system.

As soon as we remove the subconscious barrier that we can lose weight with the help of diets, we begin to understand that we only need to eat right and balanced, receiving every day the necessary norm of useful nutrients from foods and eliminating trans fats - kilograms disappear very simply and quickly.

More and more often people come to this understanding and start to make special nutrition programs that work perfectly and really help to lose weight. However, they all mean careful weighing of portions on special scales, calculation the calories for the day and making constantly new dishes .. Not everyone can afford to spend so much time on following such diets. That's why so few girls eventually decide to lose weight on such programs, because they cannot follow strict instructions constantly, so they cannot lose weight quickly at home in a month.

What do we offer? Protein cocktail Daily Delicious Beauty Shake with collagen. It is not only effective, but also very tasty and easy to prepare. 1 portion of cocktail can replace you one meal, besides you get 21 grams of protein and 11 beauty nuets. Cocktail can be taken with you and eaten at any time of the day in any place. And here are the real results from adding to your diet Daily Delicious for 90 days.

The approximate diet that our participants used to achieve these results.



1. First breakfast with Daily Delicious adding to yogurt

2. Breakfast - chicken breast, grilled, baked or boiled + vegetables or rice.

3. Lunch - fish, grilled, baked or boiled + vegetables or rice.

4. Snack - a portion of Daily Delicious with milk


5. Dinner- chicken or fish on the grill, baked or boiled + greens

6. A serving of Daily Delicious with yogurt combined with alfalfa and spirulina

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